Initiatives / Outputs
In this 2-day meeting, to be held on line on 13th and 14th July 2023, each member will present the outline of their planned subproject for discussion by the rest of the team and international consultants. Abstracts should be sent to by 30th June.
This international conference, which is open to any interested scholars and early-career researchers, as well as members of the EPISTRAN project, will be held at NOVA-FCSH, Lisbon on 14-16 December 2023.
Proposals for 20-minute papers (<250 words) should be sent by 30th September 2023 to, accompanied by a short biosketch (<150 words). Results of the selection process will be announced by 15th October.
Keynote speakers (confirmed):
Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte (University of Salamanca)
Douglas Robinson (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen/Hong Kong Baptist University)
Kobus Marais (University of the Free State, Bloemfontein)
Michael Cronin (Trinity College, Dublin)
Piotr Blumczynski (Queen’s University, Belfast)
Download Call for Papers (pdf).
Selected papers from the conference will be published in two publications:
Special issue of the journal Translation Matters (Autumn 2024)
Edited volume to be submitted to a prestigious international publisher (2024)